Enormous fun working with the cast and crew of the popular science quiz programme " Duck Quacks Don't Echo" We had to teach the Presenter Lee Mack and his star guest Danny Baker how to crack a whip , needless to say Danny had forgotten to mention that he had been hit by a whip whilst having a go as a young man and was terrified of them , needless to say he was a trouper and got there in the end .
“You Sir! are a natural showman! It was an enormous pleasure and great fun to work with you, many thanks for all your efforts. ”
The whips used were 2 X 4ft " AHOH Workshop Wonders" custom built by Rufus Ruffcut in paracord to copy some of my original green hide Australian bullwhips and 1 X 6ft Joe Strain bull whip previouly owned by the legendary Vince Bruce.