Delighted to be able to assist this year wiith the Festival that we founded in Swansea in 2015 , it has grown in strength and activities and this year included Archery, Leatherwork, Whipmaking workshops, lasso workshops, gun spinning , axe and knife throwing , gun safety, bullriding, whip cracking for Begginners, Advanced and Competition Skills together with a full range of competitions . A special thank you to the organisers and all the very generous whip makers from around the world who very kindly sent some extraordinary prize whips, DVD's , gift tokens, fantastic key rings, mugs, pugs and slugs. Their contact details are in the Whip Resource page on this site and they were. Axel Lackman, from Germany Sylvia Rosat from Silver Whips, Switzerland, Ali Close from Gravity Outlaws purveyors of prized presentation particulars, Adam Winrich from America , Ian Savin, Rufus Ruffcut and James Hewitt from the UK, Ric Boyd from America, Simon Martin from Tasmania , April Jennifer Choi from America, Gerhard van Zil and Alwyn Sturgeon from South Africa
Workshops , Shows and Competitions Galore